Hamlet in Wittenberg: Civic and Princely Education in Early Modern Europe
September 28.
Keynote Lecture
11.00-12.15 Jan Waszink (Leiden University):
Session I.
12.15-12.55 Adam Smrcz (Institute of Philosophy, HAS): The
Lunch break
14.00-14.40 László Takács (Pázmány Péter Catholic University): John Calvin and Classical Antiquity: Commentary on Seneca's De clementia
Neulateinische Studien): Narrating Princely Virtues: Adam
Contzen's Novel Methodus Doctrinae Civilis (1628)
Session II.
Salisbury's Policraticus - Anticipating the Age of Rationality.
16.20-17.00 Hanna Szabelska (Jagellonian University): Reges
bene morati: The Political Equilibrium of res and verba in Andrzej
Frycz Modrzewski.
17.00-17.40 Stefan Leicht (Universität Tübingen): Hugo Grotius
Observata in aphorismos Campanellae politicos and the regime of
Keynote Lecture
Humanist Absolutism in the De regno of Francesco Patrizi of Siena
Session III.
10.45-11.25 Ferenc Hörcher (Institute of Philosophy, HAS) Can We
11.25-12.05 Michelle Clarke (Dartmouth College): Machiavelli:
Menace to Societas
Lunch break
Session IV.
13.30-14.10 Márton Zászkaliczky (Institute for Literary Studies,
14.10-14.50 Gábor Petneházi (University of Szeged):
"Large theatre for the virtues" Farkas Kovacsóczy's panegyricus to
Stephen Báthory (1571) and the political idea of the national ruler in
early modern Hungary
Session V.
15.15-15.55 Gábor Almási (HECE Research Group, ELTE-HAS):
15.55-16.35 Barnabás Guitman (Pázmány University): Die
Lateinschule in Bartfeld und ihre humanistischen Rektoren
Session VI.
16.35-17.15 Malte Bischof (University of Notre Dame):
17.15-17.55 Eszter Kovács (PPKE / Enlightenment Research
Team, University of Szeged): An appropriate reading of The Spirit of the Law: Diderot "educating" Catherine the Great via Montesquieu